How It Works

The United States generated 91 million tons of surplus food in 2021. That’s the equivalent of 380 million tons of carbon dioxide. Nationwide, 32.7 million tons of food waste go to landfill (ReFED, Inc.). Composting at scale helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions and creates a valuable resource that can make farming and cultivation cleaner and less reliant on chemical fertilizers. Additionally, composting helps reduce costs associated with food waste by reducing the costs and impacts of landfill expansion.

How it works:

Our facilities will use best-in-class aerated static pile composting (ASP). ASP reduces the amount of time required for the composting process, reduces odors, and creates an overall more efficient and cleaner process. 

  • Food waste producers drop off separated pre-consumer food scraps. 
  • The food scraps are mixed with a bio-layer (woodchips), reducing odors.  
  • The mixture is then moved to outdoor bins where the food scraps will be composted under another layer of wood chips. 
  • Air is then pumped through the piles to maintain optimal temperatures.  
  • When the compost is cured, it will be used in agriculture and landscaping.  

Biolayer BioFilter

For more on composting and ASP Technology see: Technical Details